Tada was my first ever adventure which happened about a decade ago. That’s the trek which I went without even knowing what a trek is. The only thing I knew was, it would be physically taxing. When I was in fully depressed mode and waiting to find some option to vent out, I searched for this place. Did ‘n’ no. of research before attempting it. The one thing I was sure was I didn’t have any doubt whatsoever whether I’d be able to finish or not. But the last time even though I could trek the entire path I couldn’t go to the final waterfall because it’s not possible without knowing swimming. So it was a backlog which was pending for quite some time. In an entirely different setting and group this time, I was able to achieve it one notch higher.

From a bunch of freshly joined graduates last time it was now a group of senior citizens and toddlers. Life happened too quickly I guess. Not only that. It was just Rs. 50 for car parking from a random guy near the bridge last time but now it was Rs. 50 per head as entrance fee and a whopping Rs. 300 for car parking, to let the car lie and fry in the open sun. If you’re coming, come as a big group so that you won’t feel you’re spending an insane amount for parking.

We started on time, around 6 AM and the drive through traffic less city was nice. We went nonstop for a couple of hours and stopped at the first point for breakfast as soon as we got out from the highway. I thought, last time we had breakfast in Ulundupettai, but guess I got it wrong and it was during my Nagala Trek. Breakfast was a sumptuous mix of Idly, Dosai, Vadai and Bonda. I ate well but could have eaten better if not for the mouth ulcer.

From there, the road was good enough but as it was not a highway I couldn’t cruise. We again stopped for tea, which was amazing, felt like Payasam with its super thick milk. The roads got narrower post that and we were out of civilization but with enough number of markings the route was quite clear and you don’t need a map at all.

Finally we reached Tada Falls. Ubbalamadugu Waterfalls welcomes you board greeted us. We expected a heavy crowd but didn’t expect people to come by bus and all. It had become that famous. As said above, after paying atrocious parking amount and using the restroom available we took to off-roading. The excitement got on to us as we were getting closer. There was water body surrounding a grassland, which looked a great spot to shoot a romantic song. It reminded me of Velicha Poove song.

Once we crossed that point, we parked our car, couldn’t get proper shades as early birds had already got them reserved. We took our huge baggage and started walking. A canteen had popped up there, which was largely unappetizing though. As we had our fix for the morning we didn’t stop there. The weather was horrible, the sun was beating but as soon as everyone saw the clear water around the bridge, it got them excited. It rekindled my old memories.

On a stone laden path, we walked a few meters and saw a huge pool to have popped up. While discussing about one day plan from Chennai, my friend told about this pool and how families could at least could use the pool if they can’t go further. He told that he himself was not confident about going till the last as it was a decade back. The very thought was depressing. So I decided to take my entire family beyond the pool.

The path got rough post that and we were exposed to sun, so the walk was getting difficult for all. In some time we reached the point that I had decided for my family, the Temple. On first look, the place felt different but behind the temple, there was a sweet spot to take bath. Everyone got on the stream and had time of their life. Priyanka and I decided to proceed further to the final point.

From Grade 1, the path had become Grade 2 with slightly bigger boulders. But the area had trees covered so there were shades around. We reached the second pool in no time. I think that’s where I spent most of the time when I visited the last time. The pool was crowded than the temple stream.

Grade 3 started from there and the boulders got big, there were intermittent streams and water bodies. It reminded us of the starting stretch of Thumburu Theertham from our Seshachalam Trek, but couldn’t reach that level of awesomeness. I can’t remember when I was that joyous in recent times. Then came another stream where there were more people.

Priyanka saw many returning and told me that they seem to have completed the trek. I was damn sure that they had not. I was telling Priyanka that there would be a place where it would separate trekkers from mere mortals. The boulders would be the size of elephants. While I was saying that, that differentiation point came and she couldn’t climb. She tried for a couple of times and said that it’s not possible for her and she’d stay back.

I took the route further. Most of people who were coming back were saying there was no falls. Wonder how that rumor spread but I was determined to go further. After a steep climb, there was a falls and to my shock that was not the falls I came for. Only on further analyzing the area I saw the original falls below that place and there were no one. I was disappointed. It’s that spot I wanted to go. That was my arrear point.

By the time I was completing my survey of the place, I saw Priyanka coming with another gang. I knew that she’d do it. Without me to intimidate and another helpful gang she came to the top. There were few people going above that point too but frankly speaking, it didn’t feel necessary. May be if I go sometime in future with friends, I’d try. For then, we took bath in the falls, which of course was refreshing and therapeutic.

While we climbed down, we saw the way to the original falls I intended to go. There was high security, not allowing anyone to go further. Guess they had stopped entry to that falls as the stream was of high depth and many had drowned. So I came down with satisfaction that no one is going there. We took a different rock path to come down and came down in no time.

Other members of my family were relaxing by the pool, which even though crowded was still clean. We too jumped in the pool, changed and walked to the parking. The car was hot like the inside of an oven. The water bottle which we had kept there had literally become hot water. It took a good fifteen minutes to cool the car. We bid goodbye to the falls and returned in search of food, Biryani to be precise, as we were damn hungry.

We searched for a couple of restaurants but lunch was already over as it was close to 4 PM. Finally we had lunch at a place called Nellore Junction. We got the biryani we wanted but it was too dry and difficult to swallow. I felt the owner hiked the price in the guise of giving free meals as the rice had got over boiled. Anyways it didn’t bite our pocket much so it was okay.

Everything was good till then but due to the time that we were returning, the traffic had got piled up and instead of Anna Nagar route, Google Maps suggested the Madhavaram, Vyasarpadi route, which was horrible. Worse than that was the traffic pile up close to our home. You can never come back home happily, driving in the city. I was dead tired and went to sleep immediately. I could feel my body aching whenever I was turning around but it was like leg day pain, a joy in the pain.

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