Posts Tagged ‘The Internship’

What more do you need for a joyous evening

‘The Internship’ is a kind of a film which you can watch any time of the day, with anyone and still be not disappointed with it. It’s a kind of film, even if you don’t want to put an effort to watch, you don’t end up regretting. It’s a kind of film which I typically attribute as a ‘K TV film’ if it had been a Tamil film, a pure no nonsense no brainer worth a watch on a lazy day. With a stellar cast and a moving screenplay, it works as a joyous watch or to say in a lighter vein, an absolute guilty pleasure.


It was a pleasure to watch Owen Wilson. What a great actor he is. Thanks to ‘Midnight in Paris’, he was noticed and given more respect. Till that time he was at max seen a funny sidekick to other actors, but thanks to ‘Midnight in Paris’, he got accreditation for his performance. His performance, more so, the opening act itself was enough to induce the joy of ‘Midnight in Paris’. Not comparing both the films, but only very few actors can be as charming on screen like him. It was pure joy.

William “Billy” McMahon (Vince Vaughn) and Nicholas “Nick” Campbell (Owen Wilson) are people in sales who think they’re big shots but in actual terms, are losers. After losing the job and trying to make ends meet, they apply for an internship at Google. It’s a riot from there on. The movie was quite personal to me thanks to my training days in Infosys. And not sure how Google were okay for this movie, which looked like a ridicule than tribute. Wonder if they had used the same campus or was a set put up.

The movie had some genuine laughs and may be some ‘meh’ moments. But it’s not really a movie which you can criticize it for being meh. Billy wasn’t as interesting as Nick but was given more screen space. May be Owen Wilson was good enough to underplay and do his role to perfection. Especially his dinner date with Dana Simms (Rose Byrne) which was lovely. Rose Byrne was a beauty with brains ain’t it.

Other actors were stereotypes specific of their region and didn’t make much impact. Obviously the bar scene was the high point of the entire film and as expected an emotional scene happens post that. The good thing was that, even though typical, the scene actually worked. It made me forget that I was watching a film and got me into the movie. Post that, as expected, their sales experience helps them secure a win in a dramatic fashion.