Posts Tagged ‘Superstar’


I guess this could go down as the most disastrous film that I watched this season. Absolutely abysmal and totally out of place. An idea which went awry by pathetic execution and making plasticky characters out of great actors. Sticking to an age-old template which was beaten to death even in rebirth. I wonder why the film was even made at first place and I feel bad for Rajni, more than that, what’s really the need for him to act in such a horrible film. Thank god I didn’t watch it in theatres in 3D, which would have been annoying three times more.

The movie has a decent idea and cool graphics but just that. Everything has already been done in ‘Enthiran’ so what really is the need to make another film. It was like making ‘Dark Knight Rises’ post ‘Dark Knight’, a film where even title couldn’t be original. I think the opening credits take good five minutes. It was used to showcase the 3D effects. Who has so much time to just see objects coming and falling on our face again and again? People who are interested in that would rather go to theme park and do that.  Once that is done, the story immediately starts. I was happy for that. But what Shankar could achieve in Indian, Anniyan etc., he couldn’t here. He couldn’t hold interest of the audience by the cell phone killings. It’s a repetition of what he has done a million times. I’m sure anyone who had watched his previous films would exactly say how many killings would happen, what would the interval block be like, when will the flashback come and finally a great grand climax, post that a cute little twist. 2.0 is an example of how awry his execution went with his formula.

Amy Jackson is a great choice for robot. But even she was given a pathetic role. She now doesn’t fit either as human or robot. Rajnikanth was such a misfit here. Don’t know how someone who did the same role from Enthiran could go horribly role. I guess it’s the characterization and dialogues. Absolutely nothing for Vasi to do. On top of it Aishwarya’s annoying voice over. It looked like a film of 90’s. It’s outdated even for Rajni’s age and experience.

I remember Shankar telling that there would be no songs and movie’s runtime would only be eighty minutes. I was happy that for once he’s going to stick to strictly what’s necessary. Then Rajni comes out in another interview and says that they felt the film was lagging at some parts so added songs. Wow what a revelation. Again, Shankar comes back and says (you know Shankar’s film takes years to complete) that they still have some black box which they’re trying to figure out. Seriously? You make such a big budget film with biggest star and you start the film without having answers for everything?

And for two years and thousand crores what did he imagine. Birdman takes mobile form and kills public. Only one mobile shop where people go and buy mobiles time and again. All his revenges are planned at people related to that mobile shop. And the road in which it is present is clearly sets, even an UKG student would identify that. Even Perarasu makes better sets in his films.

I was okay with all these debacles but when Bakshi enters Rajni’s body, that got me agitated like anything. There were dark circles for Rajni. I was seriously doubting whether it was Enthiran Part-2 or Muni Part-2. Only B grade horror films would use those tricks. Rajni looked like a man possessed and his action to release 2.0 was hopeless. Why couldn’t he just show two of his fingers rather than all the monkey acts. Finally, Vasi gets saved after being hit by a bullet, his body alone comes out and Pakshi gets killed. Man, seriously, 1000 crores?

The side actors are absolutely abysmal. All poorly dubbed characters with pathetic expression. Wonder why such poor selection of actors were made. All this makes Akshay Kumar’s role the best one in the movie. It’s not because his character was well written. It’s because the other characters were so bad that even a less bad character like that of Bakshi Rajan felt like an epic one.

The ending with 3.0 was the grandson of all jokes, if you haven’t had it enough by then.