Posts Tagged ‘Movie Review – Kappela’

Conservatism with a charming context

‘Kappela’ is one film which got huge accolades in this lockdown season. Guess I’m pretty late in watching it. Anna Ben has become the face of Malayalam cinema whose any movie looks fool proof. ‘Kappela’ too has that instant charm but may be because I watched it this late, I was too hyped upon the movie, because of which I was waiting for events to happen back to back and excite me. But it takes its own sweet time to establish and then, bam, comes the twist, one of the most unexpected, which I guess just minutes before it happens.

The film opens with a scared young girl, Jessy (Anna Ben) going on bus on a rainy day. The very opening shot is interesting with camera coming in from the sky, to her. The scene cuts once she closes the window and we see an ever-effervescent Anna Ben from the start. Coming from a conservative family who don’t approve even a school going girl kid to come with a stranger, Jessy does something which none would even think of. From a missed dial to constant dial, she falls in love with a person whom she hasn’t met.

Thanks to the hoarding outside a shop, he knows her but she doesn’t know him. He seems to be an auto driver based in Kozhikode, namely Vishnu (Roshan Mathew). Even though new, he has a lot of customers and appears friendly with everyone. On the other hand, a rich man who opens a textile shop wants to marry her. But his mother disapproves it, citing “status” as a reason. But somehow their engagement gets fixed, it’s unclear whether his mother had approved of it or not. But Jessy panics because of that and decides to meet Vishnu first who unfortunately sees an accident case so gets stuck in that. Instead Jessy goes to Kozhikode. It’s a dramatic scene which we wonder why, initially as a viewer we feel that its cheaply made opening scene just to garner attention but we get to know why that’s made like that.

No, it’s not accident which happens but being an innocent naïve girl, she is afraid of everyone she sees including the conductor, porter etc. Unfortunately, Vishnu who comes to meet her loses his phone. That marks the entry of Roy (Sreenath Bhasi) who comes across as a rude rowdy guy without any job. He even creates ruckus in a tea shop and takes gold jewels from his cousin Annie (Tanvi Ram) for money. We see a little backstory of him and then see him getting Vishnu’s phone from a petty thief. He poses as Vishnu and talks to Jessy, we feel due to the frustration of the interview, he’d do something to her. Because till that point nothing fascinating has happened, it’s unclear as to why it’s hailed so much.

Only post that is the biggest twist, which makes viewers look in awe. I’d not like to discuss it for the benefit of viewers but it’s not only the screenplay which keeps us intrigued but also the charm of the land. Anna Ben as usual is prolific, the way she holds the shirt of Vishnu and her slight hesitance when they take selfie and when he hugs from behind were beautiful. And the climax where she wants to see the sea, would have put a smile on anyone’s face which would have been filled with tears till then. But what goes unnoticed is the acting of Roshan Mathew, though I’m not a fan of him and didn’t like his role both in ‘C U Soon’ and ‘Kappela’, I could understand that it’s what he’s meant to do. Sreenath Bhasi is amazing, who effortlessly oozes mass. Even his walk is prolific. I’m waiting to see him in out and out massy film. He was great in ‘Kumbalangi Nights’ as well here. It’s the combined acting of the two which makes us appreciate the film.

Even though it’s a great twist and the feel goodness of the film provides necessary charm, it makes us wonder what’s there once we know the twist. In that way I was not as impressed as it thought I should have. May be even the hype spoilt it. Otherwise it’s a fine breezy thriller to watch with your family. It so lovely captures the opposite emotion of ‘Ishq’ with same finesse. Time and again proving that it’s not story which is important but storytelling.