Movie Review – Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu

Posted: October 19, 2020 in Movie Reviews
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An extremely intricate movie about life’s science

It’s movie which should have got more recognition than what it has actually got. Being a Pa. Ranjith movie it’s no surprise what the subject would be but the beauty here is how he deals with it. More than his directional features which are here and there, its his production ventures which was right on the money. Be it either ‘Pariyerum Perumal’ or ‘Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu’. Both are to the point and perfect. May be his big budget directional features are his idea of self-immolation so that he can budget much better features for the cause.

Vetrimaaran, in an interview said that Pa. Ranjith is a politician who makes films, meaning he has a policy to which he firmly stands and makes films according to. ‘Madras’ was a masterpiece and as far I feel, that would be his best movie in his career where both his political stand as well as carefully crafted filmmaking had come to fore. ‘Attakathi’ is excellent but now he’d not make a carefree film like that, he wants to prove a point through the film than by proving a point by a film. His next two features went from bad to worse. ‘Kabali’ had a great “searching” part. I mean few scenes where Rajni gets disappointed and returns back to his home had ‘Bicycle Thieves’ level of finesse in it. ‘Kaala’ had nothing. But like I mentioned above may be that’s his idea of being robin hood, using a star to tell his message. He of course tells his message, for which many appreciate. See how he made even the superstar to utter dialogue that only a protest would yield benefits for people and made a lady more powerful than a superstar. It’s actually a Ouroboros syndrome where Ranjith thought that he made use of Rajnikanth’s image to showcase his policy and Rajnikanth thought that he made use of a youngster to come to political powers. In the end both failed, miserably.

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Readers Write In #285: An extremely intricate movie about life’s science

  1. […] Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu […]


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